22 July 2007

Finally got my tat

bad news: pirates lost 2day. not like that defies xpectations or nething, but still it enough to bum a bro out. dope news: got my tat. there a certain passage of scripture that really speaks out against this kinda thing, and my ma quotin it all the time i been conceivin the image of said tat in my brain, but i aint some kinda literalist biblical exegete like some of these harder cats in my rent's congregation, so i played that rap very little mind. neway, my bros in the wilks cool wit it, which gives me ample indication that it's on the money, and, to be straight about it, is money, so to speak. still, i gotta appeal to that spiritual element, dont wanna alienate nebody whos dependin on my sympathy, plus specially i dont mean to perpetrate ne kinda skullduggery on the sacrificial lamb of all human history culminatin in that one big grand teleological bash by the sea of galilee, so i scored a kinda pious tat. neway, without further ado, u be the judge. feast on it, eyepiece wise, in the most metaphorical way, if you understand my meaning:

sike fools that aint it hahahahahaha. thats plain fucked up. foreal tho, this is wat u finna see:

i got no clue what that hebrew scrawl is all about, but that cross is like sharp edge final fantasy sleek. on second thought, knowin the kinda headwarped bro who scratched this ink on me, the hebrew prolly say something from the book of daniel, like, in the common parlance mind you, 'beasty be upon you for the currents of history are predestinately against your house.' well that just about leaves but one thing 2be said. eat up at tabernacle, dads!

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