28 May 2007

Times bein as they were, when a few bros just were wont to chill, I now do regret not invitin BIG BEN to throw down at the former BONESHACK. i know it's a long scoot on his cycle, and he's more into the artifical tan honies of Duquesqne fame, but i really do believe that ben woulda been gettin wide-eyed on the beetlejuice we flow at hamtech. we never even thought of sending him a postcard or any of that formal jive. we shoulda. just to let him know that the steeler nation is not an entity, to use the words of john brown, it's a universal idea, to use the words of george w. bush. ya know, bottom line, ben just rully speaks our language, the broskein tongue. maybe he wouldnta cared to get dank, i dont know if hes a greenbud or anything like that. but i say he woulda lovedta grind on some biddy badink at the annex, full annex wild type saturday night. prolly woulda fucked sara downey too, skeet as hell. invite big ben to vodka and wagner next year. just a thought.

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