28 May 2007

Welcome to the Eschatological Blog

The end of times nears—in fact, the end of times is imminent. Well, perhaps only if you read this blog. Welcome to the post-ironic world and its frightening consequences. In this realm, reality ceases to be reality while simultaneously remaining reality. Here, human life ceases to be revolutionary because it no longer strives to surpass itself because it continually surpasses itself with every waking moment. An infinite line of paradoxes dwells within this finite space. Even Kierkegaard himself would fear to enter the Hotboxed Jetta. What then should you think of this cyberspace foray? Luckily, the answer to this question is nothing. You should think nothing of this blog because it is a blog. Therefore, it exists only as an arbitrary space for a group of pretentious college students to rant and rave and allude to T.S. Eliot, Michel Foucault, and Jaegermeister. Furthermore, two of its writers are Catholic school casualties. Unfortunately, that means that you will have to endure constant references to Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica and even, perhaps, a conversation pertaining to the theological rift between former friends and professors Hans Kung and Joseph Ratzinger. Can you dig it? Probably not and neither can I. Yet I still plan to write for Hotboxed Jetta and that is probably why the end of times nears.


Scottie Biegler said...

while this is uber heady, it is not adequately chill. harper, u crimpin my nuts. don't be a pussy. kierkegaard's a chump. i can get hip to infinite resignation as dope as you, johannes de silentio, but i dont feel inclined to bring that shit into my daytoday discourse. like, my world is not a fucking paradox, i stop rite away with the singularity of consciousness. you get heady with the eternality of man, and bringin it back to the temporal order is the shit, so i guess you chill after all.

Scottie Biegler said...

another thing. while you clearly dope on the christian existentialist scene, i dont this true enough to be our declaration of principles.

jncodood69 said...

both yall r gay big surprise. yall into clive cussler at all?