14 August 2007

Sike on Weimar Classicism

Dude, Chez, your kind of a faggot, that was my Kappa Delt bro Greg Nutmunchen. And I don't think any of Nietzche's idea are that relevant anyway; it's just his grand-scale transformation of the art of philosophical writing that continues to amaze, you know what I mean? I mean if I want ideas to REALLY whittle my cock down I turn to Kant and Hegel no fucking question. That's the real, unaffected shit. I mean, you're right about The Birth of Tragedy (Nietzche himself said it was "saccharine to the point of effeminacy"), but Nutmunchen's the kind of classics-minor Corny Collins who would queer on that stank pretty hardcore, so let him do his thing. Don't jizz out your judgement, recycled from tidbits of knowledge overheard while sucking poststructuralist prof. dick all afternoon at office hours in the Cathedral, on a curious bro just trying to open up his mind. Anyone can dank, you know what I'm saying? I look for that spirit of investigative curiosity in my fucking prospective pledges, you know, and Chez, that shit was what I thought you had. Not "curious" like how you're thinking, Chez, but if you're gonna be pulling this shit on a straight-ahead Fox Chapel bro like Nutmunchen, I don't know if I can be pulling for you with the other Kappa Delts come hazing. I feel pretty let down, Chez; I didn't know you the kind of post-Townshend Books Craig Street cuntrag who has a stiffy for The Gay Science, Umberto Eco and tries to get on girls at Kiva Han by chugging a shot in the dark and saying the most beautiful shit in the world is Bartok's fifth string quartet. I know those kind of pussies, but I didn't think you were the type. What's the deal, bro?


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